When immigration is considered a resource.

Riace is a little municipality in the province of Reggio Calabria (furthest south of Italy). Many inhabitants left in order to look for professional opportunities abroad or in other Italian cities. Continue reading “When immigration is considered a resource.”

North Korea and South Korea. Members of families divided by the border have the opportunity to meet.

«Hundreds of South and North Koreans» had the possibility, today, to know members of their families they had never met and to see again some of their loved ones after many years. It was a «moving and historic meeting», considered as a «first step towards the reconciliation between the two» parts of the Korean peninsula (EFE). Continue reading “North Korea and South Korea. Members of families divided by the border have the opportunity to meet.”

L’exécutif allemand est attentif à la situation politique italienne.

Comme l’agence de presse italienne ANSA le rapporte, le «gouvernement allemand suit» la situation politique italienne et ses développements avec une «grande attention», tout en souhaitant une solution «rapide». Continue reading “L’exécutif allemand est attentif à la situation politique italienne.”

Grave incidente travolge aeroplano militare in Algeria. Circa 100 le vittime.

Secondo l’agenzia di stampa spagnola EFE, sarebbero circa 100 le persone morte martedì, «quando un velivolo di trasporto militare si è schiantato», dando forma – e sostanza – al «peggiore incidente dell’aviazione militare» in Algeria dal 1962, anno in cui il Paese divenne indipendente (EFE). Continue reading “Grave incidente travolge aeroplano militare in Algeria. Circa 100 le vittime.”